Anna University Regional Campus Madurai

Program Exit Survey Form

Exit survey was taken from the passed out students on the following parameters:
1. Assessment of abilities, skills and attributes acquired at AURCM.
2. Assessment of the Learning Environment at AURCM.
3. Assessment of Support Services
4. Assessment of curriculum offered, schedules and question paper standards
5. General Assessment

Enter Regno :
Enter Name :
Department :
Period of Study :
S.No Description Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1)
1: Attainment of Program Outcomes
2: Usage of Innovative Teaching Methodologies
3:Flexibility of Curriculum
4: Encouragement of Self Study
5: Provision of enough Skills on design and problem solving techniques
6: Coverage of cutting edge technology topics in order to face the future
7: Coverage of advanced topics to take up career in research
8:Promoting Intellectual Growth
9: Computer & Internet Facilities
10:Library Facilities
11:Canteen Facilities
12:Sports Infrastructure
13:Hostel Facilities